Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Everything seems to be happening at once right now, but it also feels like nothing is happening at all. We are getting close to the big move and my mind AND schedule is packed with things to do. I'm not afraid to say that I'm getting scared and nervous about the move. And I know I'm not the only one to feel like this. I mean it's HAWAII! That's so exciting on so many levels, yet when I stop to think about the fact that its an island, in the middle of the ocean, thousands of miles away from the people I know and love, I can't help but be worried. Things got real after the movers picked up our first load of stuff, the "necessities". The kids are starting to feel the pinch of moving and the reality of it all too. And its not easy for them because Virginia is all they've ever known. Oh, don't know date for a going away party yet (some people have asked me about this), and we won't be leaving for sure until after Thanksgiving.

In all this mess, we've celebrated Tay's 6th birthday. It was a wonderful time of celebrating her life with our friends. Tay had so much fun, got some cool gifts, and basically just enjoyed being spoiled. :) The kids have learned to swim front stroke and back stroke and are moving along in their swim lessons to the next level. I'm so proud of how hard they've worked to get this far. It hasn't been easy for them (or me), especially since they both don't tolerate the cold well. Their wetsuits have evolved from simply swim suit with a wetsuit over, to swim suit, compression clothing, AND wetsuit. It's quite funny watching them put on all this gear, just to go to the YMCA to swim in an indoor pool.

We still don't have plane tickets yet, the final movers come on Black Friday (3 days sooner than I was expecting), Jon comes home in 1 WEEK!, and Tay will be having surgery on Monday, October 29. So much is going on! But I know everyone is wondering about Tay's surgery. So here's the details, or at least what I know. First off, I won't know what time until tomorrow (Friday). She is having surgery to fix her urinary reflux which she has had for a few years now. The surgery is pretty safe, but like most surgeries, the danger comes from the anesthesia. She will be put completely under, and they will reposition her ureter so that the urine no longer relfuxes back into her kidneys (thats the danger of reflux, kidney infection). Our choices were to either rush and do the surgery here in Virginia at the CHKD, with doctors we know, or wait until we get to Hawaii and do it there, with doctors we don't know, at Trippler Army Hospital. So we decided (we as in me, because Jon isn't here to help make these decisions) that it was best to do it here. In fact, I don't even know if Jon knows about the surgery yet. I emailed him, but haven't gotten a response yet. :(

Amara is having a hard time dealing with the move. She has been having some hard days and showing some behaviors that I'd hoped were gone for good. But I can't blame her for not dealing well with the move. It's hard on me too. She is going overboard when told she can't do certain things, she's over-reacting to small annoyances, and she is in general having a rough few weeks. I know that some friends have started to see these behaviors and because they've never experience the "old" Amara, they don't know quite what to do. And for those who have helped me handle this lately, thank you. And yes, she is emotional, yes she is freaking out to something you think is simple, but she can't help it. Talk to me, I'm willing to explain what's going on.

So with all of this happening, we're not sure of our plans anymore. We wanted to go to Florida to see our family and take the kids to Disney World before we move to Hawaii. At this point in time, we don't know if that will happen. I don't know what the recovery time is for this operation. I do know that after 3 weeks, we have to return to have her stint removed. I'm stressed out. I'm in over my head. I'm scared and anxious. I have too much to do.

But I'm thankful that we have a job in the military. I'm thankful that we get this amazing opportunity to go live in Hawaii and make that our mission field for a few years. I'm thankful for amazing doctors and nurses who will be caring for my baby. I'm thankful that Jon will be home soon! I'm thankful for my friends, who see me struggling and in over my head, and their willingness to help me out in any way they can and care for me.

Well that's been our lives lately. It's not pretty, and it's not simple. So yes, think twice before you ask me how I'm doing, because I suffer from harsh honesty and it may happen when you speak to me.


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