So for those that have been wondering, no, I didn't do something to my back and pull a muscle or something stupid like that (because we all know that I'm perfectly capable of doing stupid things and getting very hurt). I have a misalignment in my back along with scoliosis which flares up sometimes for no reason and can last for days or even weeks. So yea, pain, yes, debilitating, not yet.
Because of this, I haven't been able to do what I REALLY needed to do around the house. Like dishes, cleaning, mopping, or do the things that I wanted and still also needed to do, like practice music for Sunday's Easter service (which I am slightly freakin out about because this is the first Easter I have ever played!) or play with the kids. But sometimes you just have to work through the pain. : / So I cleaned the house today, practiced for an hour, and still need to do the dishes (boo!) but will do them tonight. I have been very stressed out because of the amount of stuff going on the past few weeks. Sooo much stuff, its just crazy. After this weekend, I think it will slow down a little bit (a very little bit).
Whats on the schedule for this weekend? Tomorrow I get to babysit 4 kids all day (don't get me wrong, I love kids and these are great kids, but with my back hurting, I kinda wish I wasn't), then tomorrow night I can hopefully go and relax with friends at Steve and Katie's for some fun and hang time. :D Saturday we have Acts of Love at LBC. This is a great event that we've done before where we give away boxes of food to families/individuals in need. The only catch is that they have to come here some NFL players speak (sooo hard, right?!). I usually volunteer back with the kids, but this year I will be helping hand out the boxes (yeah!) (and please pray for my back, I don't wanna kill myself). I'm really excited to help with this and just get to bless some people. Sunday, of course, is Easter. Because its Easter, we are running extra services, so that means we gotta be at church extra early. So I'm hoping that the kids get up and are cooperative so that we can get to church on time (6:45am) with minimal fighting. We will be playing basically 3 services, so hopefully my back and shoulder can take it. Please be praying for me this weekend.
But regardless of how I am feeling physically, I am SO excited about this weekend! It's going to be awesome! It's going to be a great weekend of celebrating our Risen King! The girls have been talking about Easter (and not just candies and bunnies- side note: we don't do the Easter bunny, Tooth Fairy, or Santa Clause) for weeks now. Amara understands the significance of it, and Tay is getting there. :) Heres hoping that everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend and that you get the opportunity to celebrate the true reason for Easter, Jesus Christ, the risen Savior.
<3 to all!
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