Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Earthquakes, Hurricanes, School....LIFE!

We're already well into September and I feel like I've been neglecting my blog. So here's a new post and hopefully I'll be more diligent in posting. So much has gone on over the past few weeks. We had an earthquake and a hurricane both in the same week (we did just fine. no major damage or anything), we bought a "new" car for Jon, and have had the normal busy-ness of life in general, and then this past weekend was Labor Day, so of course we had our annual get-together at our friend's house.

All in all its been a great few weeks. I also got fantastic news from my friend/neighbor that their baby boy, who was hospitalized at 2wks old because of a heart attack, is now back home! God is amazing! There were so many people praying for this baby. It truly was a miracle that he is even alive after all he has been through. There has been other good news that I'm not able to talk about right now, but I'll share later when I can.

School has been going....okay. We haven't been super consistent with it. Some of it has to do with the fact that it was still summertime, and some to do with the craziness of hurricane stuff (before and after), and some just shear laziness. But today is the first day back to school for public schools in the area, so marking the official beginning of fall, we are going to try and get back on track and get some consistency to our schooling. But Tayani loves school and Amara is growing to like it. She wants to go back to "regular" school, probably because her friends are going to school. I think once we are more into the school year she will enjoy it more.  But just because school is starting, doesn't mean things slow down. We still have lots going on.

Upcoming events/things are swim lessons for both kids starting next week, I've started going to a book club that my friends and I are doing (so far its fun), and then you have all the other stuff like church, work, catering, etc. Life as usual around here! Two more things before I go. One is we did family pictures this past weekend. And so far they look amazing! So happy with them and I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures when they are done being edited. I will share them at the end.

The second thing is for anyone in the Hampton Roads area. My best friends Steve and Katie are adopting and raising money for their adoption. This Saturday, September 10 from 7am-3pm they are having a HUGE yardsale to help fund their adoption. Fantastic deals, and best of all, no haggling! You name the price and take it home. Come out and support this great cause. They have a LOT of stuff and its all good quality. Kids clothes, adult clothes, furniture, household items, electronics, EVERYTHING. It's at 103 Galax St. in Hampton (Across from the Aberdeen Post Office). - okay, thats my plug for that. ;) I love my friends and really, truly, this is worth it. My family will be there helping out and the kids will be selling lemonade. :)

Have a great week everyone!

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